
Server Hosting & Software Support

Most of our software solutions require a dedicated, off-site server to be online & operational 24/7. We offer a fully managed hosting service, where we take care of the server, hosting, data backup & system integrity. This service is available for all our projects, once they’re complete.

Alongside our managed hosting service, we also offer a full support service where you can receive priority access to phone & email support for your completed software solution.

We completely stand behind all of our projects, so support services are available throughout the lifetime of the delivered solution.

Key benefits

  • Managed hosting - we offer fully managed server hosting, ensuring your solution is online 24/7

  • UK based - all of our servers are off-site and hosted directly within the UK

  • Data backups - data backups from the server are completed every single day

  • Server integrity - daily checks are performed on the server to ensure it is running at 100%

  • Support - we pride ourselves on offering fantastic support for all of our solutions

  • Disaster recovery - in the event of catastrophic failure, we will ensure a new server is operational ASAP